Claire cuddling up to her mommy.
Cade enjoying a break from his "hike."
Cade on a rock in front of Devil's Postpile where the rocks are long columns.
Cade climbing up onto one of the posts.
Cade and I looking over the railing on the bridge. Am I teaching him bad things?
Cade got a shoulder ride from me, he found some handle bars to hold on!
Claire smiling at the camera. Here she's 6 months old.
Chris thought this was a cute picture, especially because of the sign
Cade is playing on.
A blue jay visited us at lunch by Sotcher Lake.
Amy, Cade, Mom, Claire, me and Chris posing along our hike around Sotcher Lake.
I loved this picture of Cade, he seems to be having such a fun time!
Cade trying to fish in the lake.
Cade with his Uncle Chris. Which one looks more like a monkey?
This is inside one of the houses in Bodie Ghost Town.
Claire enjoying the ride.
Down the main street in Bodie.
A wagon in an old garage.
Cade is driving, better watch out!
One of my favorite buildings in Bodie.
More of the town.
The old mine in Bodie.
Claire really loved my apple!